
Twitter share counts have returned!

This is an update on a post we did back in November 2015, when Twitter removed the share count button and left a lot of bloggers and webmasters wondering how they were going to keep up their social cred. Well, it’s been a hard road to travel without those tweet counts, but, thanks to NewShareCounts, the tweets are returning.

You have to work just a bit for them, but, with a few steps, you can return share counts back to your site without too much fuss! Here’s a quick look at what you’ll need to do to get those share counts back on your website posts…

How to Get Your Twitter Social Share Counter Back

Step 1: Sign up with NewShareCounts

Go to and sign up by entering your site URL and signing in with Twitter. NewShareCounts will ask for read-only access to your Twitter account, but otherwise, it’s non-intrusive and it’s free. Once you’ve submitted your site URL you will be directed to the setup page.

Step 2: Find the Plugin You Use for Instructions

Here, you will find what steps to take to get your share bubble back up and live now that your site is signed up with NewShareCounts. You will be walked through options where you can add new share code on your page for standard Twitter buttons. If you’re using a social share plugin for WordPress or similar host, you can follow the walk-through provided for your plugin on the how-to page.

Check out this list of plugins that share count works with and see if yours is on the list.

Twitter share count can be displayed with supported share button plugins. Currently, we support these plugins (click for demo and setup instructions):

Popular plugins:

WordPress plugins:

Joomla plugins:

Step 3: Add the Code to Your Page

We were able to get our social shares up and running through our Cresta Social Share plugin with just a few easy clicks, since Cresta is actually already integrated with NewShareCounts — no code necessary.

On the instructions page for your plugin, you’ll quickly see the code to add to your page in order to finalize setup.  Simply copy/paste the code anywhere on the page you’re wanting Twitter Shares displayed.

Refresh, and Give your Pages a Second to Breathe

Make sure you save all your plugin changes and refresh your site. Your newly-enabled share counter will be able to retrieve twitter shares from the last seven days, but beyond that, it is not retroactive. That means, unfortunately, there is no recovering all the share volume you surely gathered between last November and now.

Your shares from the last week may take a little time to load. You can run a “test share” just to be sure your counter is really counting, but make note that it may take an hour or so before those shares register and show up.

Recovering Those Lost Shares

While your counter will only have access to the seven days prior to your enabling the new share counter, there are rumors that NewShareCounts is working on rolling out a project that would recover all lost twitter shares. So, keep an eye out for a full share count recovery reveal!

Until then, you can move forward with a freshly ignited passion for creating shareable content to make up for those lost counts!

Sinclaire Dickinson

Sinclaire Dickinson

Content Strategist at Wired SEO
Digital marketing content editor, creator, strategist for Wired SEO, an inbound marketing firm based in Fort Worth, TX.
Sinclaire Dickinson
1 reply
  1. Gloria Clifford
    Gloria Clifford says:

    I am a professional blogger, and I value Twitter a lot. The reason I can say this proudly is because I use WizUgo com as my Twitter account automation tool. Wizugo is so amazing that I can schedule my tweets according to my desired time and I don’t need to be online all day for that too. A mobile-friendly awesome tool for Twitter.


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